Maison 1608 par Solisco

Custom Publishing

Skills in action – Explore magazine for AFI by Edgenda

Context of the mandate
Targeting the Quebec market and a brand-new market in greater Ottawa, AFI by Edgenda worked with Maison 1608 to upgrade its annual catalogue of professional training opportunities.

In a move to stand out in an increasingly competitive field due to the current health crisis, AFI by Edgenda, a leader in professional development, wanted to more effectively contextualize the skills it helps people acquire or refine. The redesigned catalogue brings out the relevant content for the skills sought on the job market and presents a clear list of the available training sessions, making the company able to highlight the added value it offers and the recognized expertise of its trainers. The new catalogue is available in French for the Quebec market and in a bilingual version for the Ottawa area, a rapidly growing segment for AFI.

Maison 1608 par Solisco
Maison 1608 par Solisco
Maison 1608 par Solisco
Maison 1608 par Solisco

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