Custom Publishing
Hungry eyes, eating hands, salivating brains: that’s what Plaisir magazine does to the people who read it!
For Restos Plaisirs, a prestigious Québec-based restaurant group, we prepared, cooked up, and served this magazine distributed freely to the group’s customers. With its wild visual style and at once entertaining and relevant content (recipes, interviews, practical ideas), this magazine is an 84-page slice of pure joy!
Because you can now experience the Restos Plaisirs offering at home, at the office or in their restaurants, our mandate was to find a fun way to promote the brand and get people to know about its new services (catering, ready-to-eat). Beyond the art direction, photography (in collaboration with the client) and graphic design, we were responsible for creating content that was also used to feed the brand’s social media presence. A magazine you can read one bite at a time… With great contracts like this, we want seconds!