Context of the mandate
Remaining true to our love for the city, we were thrilled to create a bilingual magazine with practical and inspiring content that would encourage readers to eagerly explore Québec City. Published at the request of the tourist office, the magazine is the only tourist publication distributed to the 14,000 rooms belonging to the Québec City-area hotel association as well as the most popular tourist sites. As a long-standing collaborator with Destination Québec cité, our agency took on the conception, content management, graphic design, and page layout of the magazine.
As soon as visitors step foot into their Québec City hotel room, they have at their fingers Québec cité magazine: an engaging, refined guide to plan their experience. Since the city has so much to offer, everything is divided into sections, like Winter Wonderland, History and Culture, Outdoors Nearby, Local Food and Family Fun. Each section has been thoughtfully and enthusiastically shaped by our colleagues and collaborators, from content writing to the creative concept. The magazine is presented in French and in English, in print and online, and is free of charge to anyone looking to fall under the charm of the legendary hospitality and beauty of Québec City!